English content
- The company «Industrial wheels” Ltd was founded and started its effective work in 2006. Despite such a small period of existence, our prospective developing company has already managed to take place as the leading supplier of industrial wheels, pneumatic wheels, as well as inner tubes and tires for light agricultural equipment (hand trucks and wheelbarrows for garden and construction works) and warehouse equipment (platform and rigging wheelbarrows).
- At present we are the official representatives on the territory of Ukraine and we represent in the broadest range such European and Asian manufacturers of wheels , casters and rollers as COLSON (Holland), LONGWAY (China), etc.
- In the network of the Development Programme - our company has opened a new activity - delivery of heavy wheels for heavy machinery. The product range includes casters for all types of warehouse lifting equipment, wheels and tread-band tires from Vulkollan for forklifts, stackers and reach trucks Jungheinrich, Linde, Still, Hyster, Yale, OM, BT.
- Wide range of the Goods which are available from stock in Donetsk allows us to meet the needs of the buyer quickly and in a due time.
- The main consumers of our products are large Ukrainian and foreign chains of DYI format – “Epicenter”, “New Line”, “Leroy Merlin”, “OBI”, “Oldi”. Long-term cooperation allows speaking about us as of a reliable supplier.
- Geography of the supplied wheels is the entire territory of Ukraine. Customers - both large giants of metallurgical and engineering industries, as well as small retailers. Each customer who buys our wheels becomes our constant partner in future.
- Direct and open dialogue with the consumers allows us to study the needs of our customers and gives us ability quickly and consistently respond to their needs giving the right commercial and technical offers and proposals in a due time.
- from European and Asian manufacturers appears to be fully competitive.
- Our company, which is constantly developing and improving, presents itself as an active participant in industrial trade shows and international forums.
- Today the customers associate the name of "Industrial wheel" Ltd with the promotion of wheels and high-quality casters at affordable prices.
- As of today, the product range which we represent
- For our international customers:
Contact person is Victoria Buksha, Int Activity Manager
tel +380505221792
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ООО ПП Промышленные Колеса © 2011
Каталог промышленных колес и роликов
тел: +380 (61) 707-4412, info@promkoleso.com.ua

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